How to Teach Core Words
The co-op I am working in this year started an initiative to teach two core words per week in our classrooms. It has been going well and I am excited to share some of the activities with all of you. I will usually include a song/video, book, sentence starters, and activity/game. Please share your ideas below, I am always looking for new things to do with my kiddos!
Book: Go, Dog, Go!
Dr. Seuss has always been a favorite of mine and this is a great book to get a lot of exposure of the word GO!
Video/Song: The Ants Go Marching
Here is the video if you like to watch them with your students. Otherwise, if you have a good singing voice skip the video and just sing the song. You could even have the kids stand up and march around the room!
Sentence Starter:
I want to go to ....
You can have a lot of fun with this one! Talk about where they would want to go on their dream vacation, go out to eat, where they would want to go for their next birthday party or field trip. The possibilities are endless.
Activity/Game: Ready, Set, GO!
I love using intraverbals for this one. It can be easily done with activities such as tops, racecars, wind up toys or blowing bubbles.
Here are my favorite tops. You can wind them up, say "ready, set...." and hopefully get a "go" before pressing the button and watching them fly.
Hopefully, this gives you some ideas on how to incorporate the core word GO into your next therapy session. Be sure to follow me or check back soon to get therapy ideas for more core words!
Here is a handout that can be given to your classrooms to encourage them to work on the word throughout the week as well.
Here is a handout that can be given to your classrooms to encourage them to work on the word throughout the week as well.
I have also created a worksheet for students to practice with. You can find it on TPT by following the link below: